My Story

I dropped out of college.

It was January of my freshman year when I realized the decision to attend a small town university, close to my parents, was cautious. In retrospect, the K-12 education, that contributed to this decision, was a structured training in GPA importance and SAT success. Taking risks was not apart of the curriculum. However, while a high school sophomore, junior and senior, I was offered the opportunity to take a risk and face the uncertainty of leaving home.

I traveled abroad to Ireland, Wales, England, Italy, France, Spain and Morocco. Although, these life-altering excursions opened geographical and cultural boundaries, the decision was made to attend a university, with fewer personal risks. Fortunately, I realized early on in my college career that my own boundaries needed to expand as well. Feeling displ
aced and frustrated from my desire to travel, prompted reflection which led to studying abroad the fall semester of my sophomore year.

Studying art and culture in Florence, Italy and excursions to Morocco, France, Germany and Spain energized my spirit and provided new ways of thinking about my education. And so, after returning home, days before the start of second semester sophomore year, I sent in my withdrawal form.

This decision shocked, worried and confused some but, the call for authenticity lessened the societal influence to pursue a linear path (college, career, marriage, children and retirement.) The result: a detour; including ten different countries and four different continents. 

I realized to “know thyself” will be a lifelong pursuit, the unknown is necessary for enlightenment and the only way for this process to occur is change. Change is intimidating but that very change is inevitable and an opportunity for prosperity. Not taking risks is risky so do what scares you, shocks others and embrace…


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